Medicaid and LIFE have an income limit to approve benefits for home care in Pennsylvania. For 2021, the maximum monthly income that the applicant can have is $2,382. If the applicant is even one cent over this limit, the County Assistance Office will deny the application.

The Medicaid Success At Home Solution
Medicaid Success has over-income solutions for single and married applicants. We can assist in getting a single applicant approved for Pennsylvania LIFE or Medicaid home care benefits if their income is up to $500 over the limit. For married couples, in most cases we can assist in allocating income to the non-applicant spouse and, once reduced, also assist with getting benefits approved if the remaining income is up to $500 over the income limit. Bottom line, the Medicaid Success at Home program can help potential home care customers defeat the income cap and qualify for Medicaid or LIFE coverage.